by Amy Heartfield
Porsche, Ferrari and Cheetah? On Thursday at the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF), the Texas A&M study abroad group got to see the speed equivalent of a high-end sports car: cheetahs.
The morning started with watching the cheetahs exercise, which means watching large cats run as fast as a NASCAR! The cheetahs chased a small flag attached to a pulley system, or “Namibian Playstation” as the interns fondly call it. This pulley is set up in a square shape in an enclosed field.
After being only feet away from these high-speed animals, it was time to get down to business, and we continued to work on promotional posters and take-home materials for CCF. As the day came to an end, we presented the material to Dr.Marker and received supportive feedback for the projects.
For one of the last sundowners in Namibia, we headed out to a secluded field to watch the cheetahs run one more time. Seeing cheetahs run against the pink sunset is personally one of my favorite experiences of the trip.