by Julie Brod
At 7:30 we had breakfast, which consisted of eggs, black beans, tortillas, toast, pineapple, bananas, and other fruit. We then spent the next hour preparing a game plan for our morning activities at the primary school in Visuchuj.
At 9 a.m. we left to go to the LHI office to refill our water bottles since the Posada was currently out of filtered water. After filling up on water, we then got in the bus and rode to the school to spend time with the students and teachers.
We played an icebreaker, informed them about the usage of pesticides, made a miniature worm compost in a cup, and gave a demonstration over personal hygiene. After handing out a “grande” amount of toothbrushes and toothpaste, we said our goodbyes and left the school.
Today was our last day to have lunches in the local homes of Guatemalans. However, the same menu we had for breakfast is exactly what we had for lunch. Eggs, black beans, and tortillas!!! Needless to say we stopped by a tienda for sodas and plastic packaged cupcakes for an afternoon snack.
Next we had class time, where we discussed the promotion of future study abroad trips to Guatemala in Dr. Wingenbach’s class. In Dr. Moore’s class we talked about task and relationship behaviors in leadership as well as the elimination of dysfunctional behaviors in completing group activities.
For supper, the “Wing Team” (Dr. Wingenbach, Sydney, Caroline, and I) cooked noodles, cheese sauce, vegetables, and opened cans of tuna. It was not exactly what I would call the Olive Garden experience, however, it was not half bad.
Reflections after supper, lead by Cera and Daniel got the entire group thinking about how we have had the chance to have such a life changing experience and how we could use our knew knowledge to make a difference in our future endeavors at Texas A&M and in our life after graduation.
I will miss Visuchuj but am excited to head back to the primary school in Batzul. Be sure and check tomorrow to hear about our big adventures there.